Orgone accumulator, also known as ORAC, is a structure made up of organic and inorganic materials that are layered together in a way that allows the available atmospheric orgone energy to accumulate inside the structure. The more of the inner layers, the more orgone energy will be accumulated. The layers are called PLY. For example a 10PLY orgone accumulator would have 10 organic and 10 inorganic layers.
Orogne accumulator body is made of wood. Usually a clear, vertical grain fir is used in the construction of the frame. The outer layers are made up of environmentally friendly MDF boards (Medium Density Fiberboard). These boards are usually 1/4" thick and do not have any hazardous chemicals such as formaldehyde or other harmful chemicals. The most inner walls of the accumulator are galvanized steel sheets that usually have thinckness of 26 gauge. Alluminum, copper or other non-ferrous metals should never be used in an orgone accumulator.
The materials of the orgone accumulator walls, in between the outer wall and the inner wall, are comprised of alternating organic and inorganic materials. The organic material is typically sheep's wool or fiberglass. Sheep's wool has to have been only treated with non-chemical components. Normally a sheep's wool that is used in an accumulator is a 1/2" thick wool batting. Fiberglass is used for orgone accumulators that are going to be used in more humid areas. It is not recommended to keep orgone accumulators outside if the humidity that is too high. The inorganic component of the alternating layer needs to be oil-free 00 grade steel wool.
Orgone accumulators are build to accumulate the atmospheric orgone energy inside it. In order to succeed in the proper and clean energy accumulation, there are things that should be considered. For example, orgone energy reacts negatively in the presence of certain other energies such as:
The accumulators need to be at least 5 feet away, preferabley 10ft from the above devices.
Accumulators should not be placed in a room where lighting is based on compact flourescent lights (CFL) or any type of fourecent lights. Some LED's that contribute to dirty electricity are not recommended.
Orgone acccumulators are not to be within 25-50 miles radius of any nuclear plants. The environment where orgone accumulators are placed have to also have low wireless transmission radiation such as cell phone towers, wifi internet routers, access points, hot-spots.
Another smaller structure that occumulates orgone energy and shoots a concnetrated energy out is called an Orgone Shooter Box. The structure is built similar to a normal full-size orgone accumulator; however, it is much smaller and contains a metal hose and a funnel that is used to shoot the concentrated orgone energy out to a specific area. The shooter box usually comes in 5PLY.
To find out more about orgone energy, you can read What is orgone energy? blog post.